About Anzu

Name: Mazaki Anzu

Dub name: Tèa Gardner

Age: 16                                      

Date of Birth: Aug. 18

Sign: Leo

Dream: To go to New York and study dance.

Friends: Mouto Yugi, Yami Yugi, Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hitroto, Kujuki Mai, Bakura Ryou

Likes/Possible crush: Mouto Yugi/Yami Yugi


Mazaki Anzu is the tomboy of the group. Even though she is always pictured as the cheerleader on the sideline, she does a fair amount of fighting herself. She is the "voice of reason" and "mother figure" of the group. (Well, whatcha expect? Her to act like Jounouchi?) Always encouraging the boys to never give up. She treasures her friends more then anything else and will throw everything she has away if she could help them.


I don’t understand why people hate her so much. She has that "mess with me and I’ll kick your ass" attitude. And just because she may say "I always look to my friends for help" or "Yugi, me, and your other friends will be with you every step of the way" aren’t friendship speeches. I say similar things to when my friends are down!


Anzu is the best friend a person could ask for. And her role in the show and manga is almost a perfect fit!






About Anzu
Reason to hate her

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